Your baby is coming.
You’ve done a great job of preparing for this amazing little being
You’ve worked on your inner landscape
You’ve got your home environment ready
You’ve got your birth plan in place
You’ve got an excellent support team
and you are over the top beaming love and light!
This whole process is about communication and relationships. The Connected Before Birth Program focuses on Welcoming Your Baby. If you ask someone, what’s 1 + 1, they’ll probably say two, however, in my world, 1 + 1 = 3. We’ve got mom, baby and together they have created their RELATIONSHIP.
I am going to remind you that it is really important that you maintain communication with your baby. Keep the baby informed as to what’s going on. Continue to honor this sentient being. Remember, YOU ARE THE CARRIER OF LOVE, LIGHT AND LIFE. Talk to your baby, let your baby know if there’s something or a procedure that might have to take place. Let your baby know in advance, and establish trust in your communication from the very beginning.
Birthing has its own natural rhythm, timing and flow. There is a natural birthing sequence. When that gets interrupted, it has the potential to be problematic. This can be the most empowering time in your life. I invite you to focus on that.
Babies know how to be born and mothers know how to birth babies
After your baby is born, honor that time. Take the time to pause. Let your baby integrate this most amazing time in both your lives. Acknowledge that you’ve both worked together in his/her birth. This is a very sacred and unique time. It’s a window where the oxytocin is flowing between mom and baby.
PAUSE and REST. Allow baby’s nervous system to integrate this amazing experience. Unless there is a medical emergency, there is no need for baby to be taken away.
BABIES WANT TO RELATE AND BOND! This is really key. Allow that process to take place.
Connect with your baby from your heart center. Welcome your baby into the world.
Let your baby know–
I SEE YOU, I recognize your soul essence
I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, you are an amazing conscious being
I KNOW WHERE YOU’VE BEEN, you are from the cosmic realm and have experienced many lifetimes
I KNOW WHAT YOU’VE COME TO DO, you are here to remember that you are both a physical form and a Divine nature
Keep repeating so that you are connecting with your baby on a soul level.
Welcoming baby is key in creating a foundation where baby grows up feeling seen and valued for who they are. They know their self-worth, they know they are loved.