If I could go back
Suzanne’s birthing awareness education has been deeply impactful in my life. With this information, I look back at the contrast between the two births of my children. Had I received this education before their arrival, I believe a different reality would have occurred. Suzanne brings awareness to that one and only moment of birth we all have.
When I had my first child, my son, I was fully available and present at the moment of his birth. My husband and I had been working with the midwife and the birthing process was beautiful. With our midwife’s encouragement, at the time of his birth, I reached down and guided him out of my body and onto my chest. I remember the moment and will carry it in my soul forever.
In contrast, when my daughter was going to be born, I was so interested in accommodating others, that when my mother-in-law said she was going to visit from out-of-state and she was hoping that the delivery would happen during her stay with us,, I actually scheduled my daughter’s birth to be induced to accommodate my mother-in-law’s schedule. When I look back at it now I shake my head in disbelief at my ignorance of not understanding the importance of my daughter’s birth being on her own timing and no one else’s. A little part of me dies when I think of how, when she was born, I didn’t even hold her. I allowed my husband to hold her and other visiting people such as our babysitter. In fact it was the next day when the attending nurse actually asked me me if going to see my daughter! I felt disconnected from the start and the bonding that I have between my children is unquestionably different. My daughter and I are close and I love her beyond words. But I wonder how that moment for her when she arrived, could have been so much more connected had I been fully present aware and in celebration of her arrival. If I knew now what I have learned from Suzanne’s teaching, what I would have whispered to her as I gently would have pulled her onto my breast. How I would’ve looked at her with such amazement and gratefulness and told her how incredibly blessed I was that she had arrived. The words I would say to her would have been of pure love. I have a few regrets in life, but that is one situation where, if I understood what I do now in terms of the birthing process, I would have done it differently.
In my own case, I was adopted. When I was 21, my birth mother came to find me. As she recounted the story for me, she couldn’t even remember if she was conscious when I was born. She was so disconnected and I know in my own life I have struggled tremendously with being able to attach to others.
I just know that when that moment comes, when we arrive at our moment of our birth, in that very auspicious and exact moment, wouldn’t it be ideal if we were welcomed into the world by those attending who are fully present open and loving as we crossed the threshold? This is the work Suzanne gifts to her clients.
-Annie, New Hampshire
Unplanned Pregnancy
Much to my surprise and that of my partner’s, we found out that I was pregnant. The pregnancy was not one that was planned, but welcomed. We decided that marriage was not in the plan, but that our baby would be welcomed. I worked with Suzanne making sure that energetically we were both on the same vibrational frequency during my pregnancy and birth.
When we were at the hospital and I was actively in the birthing process, the nurses and staff were amazed as to how well my partner and I worked together as a team. I know it’s because of the work that I did with Suzanne. I was so empowered, never did I give my power away to anyone. I was always connected to my baby and always knew what was best for both of us.
I know that by doing “my work” and preparing for my baby in this way, created an amazing environment for my baby. Thank you Suzanne. Together we created a healthy foundation for my baby.
-Jackie, New Hampshire
Childbirth Education for the Soul
I was looking for a Childbirth Educator, but what drew me to Suzanne was that she was very attentive to the spiritual needs of my unborn baby. What did he need. What would be optimal for him. Always acknowledging the Soul Essence of his being and to never forget that.
Thank you Suzanne. You are a midwife to incarnating Souls.
-Jeri, Massachusetts